Wednesday, April 2, 2014

CIA pleads its Behghazi case

They are on TV as I write this.  They had a CIA guy name of Morell (a good name in mushrooms) in front of a Congressional committee.  Morell was acting CIA director at the time.  He had a group of (unnamed) DC based CIA pundits (analysts he called them)  gin up a report on Bengasi, day after it happened.  He says the analysts never talked to the White House,  no pressure was ever placed on them, and they came up with the "It was a protest that got out of hand" story.  Some hour later, a report from the CIA station chief on the ground in Benghasi came in, the station chief  called it a terrorist attack.  Morell claims he passed the station chief's report on the the analyists, and the analysts stuck with their story.  So Morrell  decided to go with the DC based chairborne warriors rather than the field officer on the scene.  And that's how Susan Rice went on the talk shows that Sunday and peddled the "demonstration that got out of hand" story to the country. 
   Good work Morell.  Anyone knows that first hand reports from a responsible man on the scene are more dependable than vaporings from DC pundits. 

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