Saturday, October 4, 2014

Easier to see scrollbars in Firefox

Some how in making the jump from XP to 8.1 Firefox messed up his scrollbars.  They went light grey, almost invisible, and the slider, or thumb, was just a shade or two darker than the scrollbar and damn hard to see.  PITA.
  There is a fix for Firefox.  Down load an add-in called NewScrollbars, or sometimes NOIAScrollbars 1.21.  Google will find it for you.  Good fix, you can set any color you like and the slider is a nice high contrast easy to see.  Significant improvement. 
Too bad I haven't found something like this for Windows 8.1 itself.  The M$ people were into very soft pastels this time which are hard to see.  User friendly those Microsofties. 

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