Friday, November 14, 2014

Gruber calls American voters stupid

I don't think so.  Gruber and the democrats concealed the contents of the Obamacare bill.  Even so, the voters in deep blue Massachusetts sent Republican Scott Brown to the senate to fill Ted Kennedy's seat, and that denied the Democrats enough Senate votes to ram thru new versions of the law.  And, the voters remembered who stuck them with Obamacare, and have voted truckloads of them out of office.  Somehow Jean Shaheen survived, but we got a lot of the rest of 'em. 
  The fault did not lie with the voters.  It lies with the administration, who lied repeatedly, with Congresspeople who deceived their constituants and voted against their interests, and with the newsies who slanted their stories in favor of Obamacare. 
   American democracy is based upon the idea that office holders are honest, that newspapers tell the truth, and that Congressmen vote their districts.  In the Obamacare disaster we had a president who said "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.  We had a Speaker of the House who said "You have to pass it to see what's in it."  We had a national press that pumped out nothing but favorable stories about Obamacare. In short, the executive lied, the newspapers lied, and Congress did not vote their district. 

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