Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Curse of the Soundman

Hollywood has been making talkies since Al Jolson sang in The Jazz Singer back in the 1930's.  Recently, say last 10 years or so,  they seem to have lost their touch.  A fair number of movies come thru where you cannot understand the dialogue anymore.  The actors mumble, the mics are not placed right, and the score or the sound effects drown out the actor's words.  PITA.  My children tell me it has to do with getting old, they claim my ears are failing.
   Been listening to the TV doing Christmas carols.  Fox had a boys choir on this morning.  I could understand every single word the boys sang.  Vermont PTV was doing another carol show a few minutes ago.  Again, I could understand every single word of every carol, even the ones in Latin like Adestes Fidelis.  If TV can do it, why cannot Hollywood do a decent sound track on their movies?

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