Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Sunday Pundits go to Baltimore

I watch 'em all, Beat the Press, Face the Nation, the McLaughlin shouting hour, and Josh McElween on WMUR.  They all did a lot of talking about Baltimore.  They interviewed politicians.  The democratic ones called for an urban agenda, more money, reform of the police,  improved schools.  All in vague terms, no specifics.  None of them talked about getting corporate investment into the cities to provide jobs.  The one Republican, John Boehner, merely said that Baltimore has been run by democrats for the last 50 years, which makes it a democratic problem.  Beat the Press dredged up 50 year old video of Pat Monahan predicting awful things to come. 
   I gotta admit that I don't know Baltimore well, so I'm pontificating from a distance.  But I still think that reasonable jobs in real industry, would solve a lot of Baltimore's problems.  If they really cared down there, they would pass a right to work law.  Corporations won't invest in states that lack a right to work law.  If Maryland became right to work, it would be the ONLY right to work state for a couple of hundred miles in every direction.  Surely some company needing a strategically located facility would brave the crime problem and buy up some cheap empty lots in Baltimore and build something. 

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