Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Talky-talk college courses

"Women in Popular Culture", "Introduction to Comparative Ethnic Studies", "Introduction to Multicultural Literature" a bunch of worthwhile? useful? college courses.  They sure aren't STEM courses, and they aren't Liberal Arts courses, and I wouldn't even call them social science courses.  They surely won't help a graduate find a job. 
   But according to Instapundit, the professors teaching these courses have truly amazing policies regarding student language.  Prof  Selenas Lester Brekiss has banned the use of the words "male" and "female".  Professor Rebacca Fowler bans the phrase "illegal alien".  Professor John Streamas called a student "White shitbag" 
   Intelligent students should avoid these kinds of talky-talk courses, they have nothing to teach, they merely provide a platform for the professor to rant from.   They may be fun to attend to participate in class discussions, but you can have as much fun participating in dorm bull sessions.  You only get to take 32 courses in a four year two semester college.  Students are graduating owning $30,000, or about $1000 a course.  Don't blow $1000 on a talky-talk course. 

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