Tuesday, November 18, 2014

When is the sun over the yardarm?

Old family tradition.  You aren't supposed to start drinking until the sun is over the yardarm.  Which, in my old age, I interpreted as 5 o'clock.  Because nothing much gets done after happy hour begins.  Especially nothing down in the shop, where I have edged tools. 
  Well, now that we are off daylight saving time, the damn sun is setting at 4:30.  I mean by sunset, the sun is over the yardarm, no matter where you sling your yardarm.
   So, maybe I can start happy hour at sunset. 

I wonder what's in it

The Obama  administration says all the House need do, to solve the immigration kerfuffle, is to pass the immigration bill that the Senate passed a year ago.  Sounds good. 
  But I wonder what is in that Senate bill.  Lots of amnesty?,  guest workers?  more H1B visas?  More immigration overall?  Border security?  How many pages is it?  Another 1000 page monstrosity which basically lets the bureaucracy do any thing it wants? 
  Not even the Fox newsies are saying anything about the contents of the Senate bill.  They don't even mention it's number. 
  If there is any life left in American constitutional Democracy, the reps will vote their districts.  And the districts are dubious to hostile toward amnesty.  And toward letting more people into the country.  We voters have turned out of office plenty of reps who voted for Obamacare.  You would think that would get the message across. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

NPR must be feeling some heat.

They were on the air this morning, defending their Sunday hit piece on Bill Cosby.  They threw out a few names, none of which meant anything to me.  According to NPR there was a civil suit against Cosby back in 2006 which was settled out of court.  What with all the feral lawyers running around the country loose, I'd expect every celebrity gets hit with civil suits all the time.  Why NPR chose to bring that matter up again yesterday was not explained. 
   Keep the heat on, Cosby fans. 

Cannon Mountain ski weather.

WE got another sprinkle of snow last night.  Not much, less than an inch, but enough for the town plow to rumble by my place at 7 AM this morning.  Every little bit helps.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

NPR. Doing Bill Cosby no favors

So I'm driving down to Rochester NH with the car radio on.  Early morning.  NPR playing as usual.  All of a sudden they start doing a piece on Bill Cosby, he and his wife had donated some artwork to the Smithsonian and the interview with Cosby was ostensibly about this fine charitable contribution.  So, next question NPR lays on Cosby is about some allegations of sexual assault.  Cosby says nothing.  Wow.  First I ever heard of this story.  The NPR newsie says "I'm a news man. I have to ask this question."  The hell you say. 
   I'm thinking, if you are a real newsie, then you ought to do a story on this, based on some real sources, like sources with names.  Just popping a "have you stopped beating your wife" question on Bill Cosby, on the air, isn't journalism. it's a vendetta. 
  I know nothing of the facts of the case.  All I know is I have been watching Bill Cosby on TV since he was doing "I Spy" back in the 1950's.  He has done a lot of good stuff since.  200 Miles an Hour, Mother Jugs and Speed, the Huxtable/ Cosby show.  I always thought Bill was a helova nice guy. Much nicer than any TV newsie.
   Dunno why NPR is out to smear Bill Cosby.  Unless they just want to destroy any black guy who says some conservative things now and then.  Note to NPR, if you have any real evidence, produce it, otherwise keep it zipped.

Day of Ill Omen.

Musta got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.  I find the front door had blown open during the night allowing a hurricane of wintery air to blow thru the house.  My mantle clock, a 100 year old windup Tiffany inherited from my grandmother had stopped.  The cable was out, no TV, no broadband.  And it was starting to snow. 
   All was not lost, I closed the door, the furnace brought the house up to living temperature.  I wound the clock and set it and it's still running.  The cable came back to life.  It's still snowing. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Allow sale of US oil world wide.

Back in the fuel crisis of the 1970's, and with the opening up of the Alaska North Slope oil fields, Congress passed a law forbidding the export of US oil.  What with everyone sitting in lines at the gas station just to fill the family car, it seemed like a quick short cut to making more oil and gasoline available to US consumers.
  Now, 40 years later, the industry has managed to radically increase domestic oil production.  They want to sell some this new oil production abroad. 
  Let 'em.  The oil companies are far better equipped to figure out the best way of turning oil into cash than any set of  inside the beltway bureaucrats. 
   The price of oil is set by international markets, the domestic price will be the same whether we sell abroad or not.  If anything, American oil sales will depress the international price of oil.  Which will reduce the domestic price, since the domestic price is the international price.